
A CalDAV Client for modern(ca. 2011) web browsers using a bit of html5 and a bunch of css3. Patches, bug reports and translations of the en-us.js file are welcome, send to rob+jqcaldav@boxacle.net.


Known Issues/Missing Features(prioritized)

  1. leaving the client logged in from chrome for extended periods generates an error
  2. users may see browser authorization dialogs, especially with the Darwin server(I'm hoping that moving to web workers for AJAX requests will fix this)
  3. changing ACLs in the UI has no effect
  4. no support for scheduling
  5. no UI for journal/notes
  6. no catagory color support(not sure if this will ever be supported)
  7. no offline support


  1. CalDAV server (DAViCal,Darwin Calendar and Contacts Server from Apple)
  2. a page on the server to add the scripts to OR a place on the server for the included index.html file
  3. for subscribed calendars you will need to proxy the requests, mod_rewrite and mod_proxy on apache with the included .htaccess file work

Install (generic)

download and extract the zip or clone the git repo git clone http://boxacle.net/jqcaldav/.git/
edit index.html changing the data-caldavurl and data-calproxyurl attributes if necessary.

Install (DAViCal)

download and extract the zip or clone the git repo git clone http://boxacle.net/jqcaldav/.git/ into the same vhost as DAViCal(NB you may need to edit the mod_rewrite rules if things don't work)
if you do not have mod_rewrite enabled for davical edit index.html and changing data-caldavurl and data-calproxyurl attributes.
data-calproxyurl is the directory where the .htaccess file is located
example: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:Origin} %{SERVER_NAME} [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Requested-With} ^XMLHttpRequest [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} username=\?([^\?]+)\? RewriteRule /test/http://(.*)$ http://$1 [P,L,QSA]

Install (Darwin Calendar and Contacts Server)

download and extract the zip or clone the git repo git clone http://boxacle.net/jqcaldav/.git/ into the data/Documents/ directory
it does not appear at this time that it's possible to setup proxying subscribed calendars.
data-caldavurl either "/" or "http://your.server.com/"